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Bathroom Pod Testing

Every pod undergoes a thorough quality inspection process with various internal sign offs required throughout the manufacturing process. Sign off is required at each stage of the manufacturing process before a pod can progress to the next stage. All plumbing and electrical services within the pod are completed in the factory and are routed to connection points on an exterior pod wall for quick and easy connection on site.


OSS carries out a plumbing test on every pod with certification provided. Tests are carried out on both the high pressure water system in accordance with BS EN 8558:2015 and on the low pressure waste systems in accordance with BS EN 12056. To ensure that a rigorous testing regime is applied static pre calibrated testing stations are used. In addition, OSS are the only pod company that take testing procedures to the highest  level by undertaking a full hot and cold water functionality test on 10% of pods (including flushing pans, filling cisterns, turning on taps and showers) this verifies that pods are functioning properly & without issue.


The electrical installations to each pod are tested for resistance, continuity and functionality by independent NiCEIC approved and qualified testers in accordance with BS 7671 and a certificate is provided for each pod.

We operate to strict ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 codes of manufacture.

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Factory testing of bathroom pods in the factory
Factory testing of bathroom pods in the factory Electrical testing of bathroom pods in the factory Shower pods are tested in the factory
10 year anniversary/50 year guarentee

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Hoopers Close, Isleport Business Park, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 4JU.

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